Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: Aug 30, 2023

At PostStat, we respect your privacy and are committed to protecting any information you may provide while using our website. This Privacy Policy outlines our practices concerning the collection, use, and disclosure of your information. Please take a moment to read and understand our policy.

Information We Don't Collect:

We want to make it clear that PostStat does not collect any personal information from its visitors. We do not use cookies or tracking technologies to gather data about your online activities.

Third-Party Cookies:

It's important to note that while we don't use cookies ourselves, third-party vendors, such as Google, may use cookies to collect information for the purpose of delivering personalized ads. These cookies are managed by these third-party vendors and are subject to their privacy policies. PostStat does not have control over or access to the information collected by these third-party cookies.

How Third-Party Cookies Work:

Third-party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user's prior visits to our website or other websites. These cookies may collect non-personal information about your visits to our site and other websites to provide you with relevant ads. You can opt out of personalized advertising by visiting the Google Ad Settings page or the Network Advertising Initiative's Opt-Out page.

Your Consent:

By using PostStat , you consent to our Privacy Policy and the use of cookies by third-party vendors for personalized advertising purposes as described herein.

Updates to Our Privacy Policy:

This Privacy Policy is subject to change without notice. We will update the "Effective Date" at the top of this page to reflect any changes. Please check this page periodically to stay informed about our current privacy practices.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us for further assistance.

Thank you for choosing PostStat for your online information needs. Your trust and privacy are important to us.

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