Pokemon Fairies RPGXP Download

Download Pokemon Fairies RPGXP 

Name: Pokemon Fairies
Creator: Info
Language: English
Platform: GBA
Version: v1.3
Update: March 18, 2021


Project Completion Announcement

This project has reached its completion. Any forthcoming updates will primarily focus on bug fixes or minor enhancements.

Welcome to Fairyland! In this magical world, Fairies and Fairy Pokémon coexist harmoniously. The occasion is Fairyland's 3000th anniversary, and the celebration takes the form of a grand Fairy Feast. The festivities promise Fairy food, Fairy lights, and a plethora of Fairy games. However, lurking in the shadows is the sinister Evil Fairy Imogen and her Impidimp team, determined to sabotage the Feast at any cost. With friends in peril and preparations in disarray, it falls upon the unwavering duo of Serafina & Sylveon to restore order and save the day!


  • - A short, sweet, and straightforward game with approximately 1 hour of gameplay.
  • - No battles or Pokémon capturing, focusing solely on storytelling and puzzles.
  • - An enchanting world suspended in the clouds, set in an alternate universe.
  • - Themes of Fairies, friendship, and magic.
  • - Abundant fluff, rivaling even a Wigglytuff.
  • - Copious amounts of cheese, perhaps more than an Aromatisse.
  • - Aesthetic dominated by the color pink, like a mutated Carbink!


**Version 1.3 - Released on March 18, 2021, with the following changes:**
1. Disabled the piano event in Serene Lake if fast-forward mode is active.
2. Adjusted the location of Kiera and Klefki in the final stage of the box puzzle to prevent softlocking.

**Update on March 30, 2021: Version 1.3B (colorblind mode)**
Green boxes in the Fairy Warehouse are now colored blue.

**Previous Versions:**
- Version 1.2 - Released on March 17, 2021, introducing fast-forward mode (toggle with "F"), additional box puzzle solutions, and miscellaneous changes.
- Version 1.1 - Released on March 15, 2021, with minor tile alterations and more box puzzle solutions.
- Version 1.0 - Released on March 13, 2021, created for the Relic Castle Winter Game Jam 2.


Note: If the download link is not working or it is not of the latest version available then please comment down below. It will be instantly updated.

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