Pokemon Everlasting X and Devastating Y (RPGXP) Download

Download Pokemon Everlasting X Devastating Y  

Name: Pokemon Everlasting X and Devastating Y
Creator: Thetoxic
Language: English
Platform: RPGXP
Version: Demo 1.5.0
Update: Oct 23, 2022


TheToxic7326 created the English-language Pokémon Everlasting X and Devastating Y RPG Maker XP fan game using Pokemon Essentials. Additionally, you can download it right now. On October 23, 2022, it was most recently updated.

The difficulty hack Pokémon Everlasting X/Devastating Y is based on the original X and Y games. With a few minor changes here and there for a far better player experience, the plot is broadly identical to the originals.


To the Kalos region, welcome (back)! But this time, your trip won't be quite the steamroller it was before! Battles are now more difficult but still enjoyable because many trainers have improved their roster! Take on the gym challenge, complete your trainer card, and fight Team Flare all at once! Do you have what it takes?



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  1. The link is not working

    1. Hey, thank you for letting me know that.The link is updated and working.
