Pokemon Arrow (RPGXP) Download

Download Pokemon Arrow  

Name: Pokemon Arrow
Creator: Pokebu
Language: English
Platform: RPGXP
Version: v1.4 (completed)
Update: Aug 25,2021


An English-language Pokemon ROM/Game hack by Pokebu using the RPG Maker XP Codebase/Engine. It is currently available for download. The most recent revision was made on August 25, 2021.
Pokemon Arrow: Summer 2021 isn't it now? Pokebu's developer chooses to use his fresh insights to create his own Pokemon hack... Knowing that you are aware of this game and our website address is a big honour for us.


Decane is a huge, gorgeous territory with a diverse culture that has always been calm. Every year, during the fall festival, the two legendary pokemon Dhabown and Arowteer used to go to different cities to safeguard the people of Decane and its stunning natural surroundings. But after twenty years had passed, the region began to suffer greatly as numerous natural disasters and wars struck the area. Suddenly, the legendary pokemons vanished from the region, and they also failed to appear during the festival. 

You have been given a duty by Professor Mendel: discover the legendary figures and bring them back before no one can save the area from its never-ending sorrow. With the help of your pals Renuka, Trina, or Ricky, depending on the gender of the player, you embark on the mission of tracking down.


  • Egg Emporium.
  • When you finish playing Kanto, Johto, Hoenn stories… you can access Alola Region (sounds Pokemon Gen VII is coming soon, eh?).
  • Increased Difficulty!
  • 385 Pokemon available in the game which are placed strategically through out the game.
  • The soundtracks are totally customized by that hacking group.
  • Tms Can Be Used At Any Time.
  • Properly remove Rival naming part from the intro.
  • The difficulty is high.



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